Monday, November 16, 2015

The Wind Element

 The Wind Element

 If you're following from the last few weeks, this article is the fourth of five covering my experience working with each elemental force towards my own personal healing as part of the Becoming Human Crystal program with Naisha Ahsian. All five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Storm) are present within us as much as they are present around us.

In the course, we worked with the chakras and we connected with each element, using crystals to help heal, shift, and become aware of different aspects of ourselves. The fourth element we worked with was the Wind element.

The Wind element is the movement of air. It can clear our mind and inspire us.  It connects us to spirit in order to help us gain higher perspective of our life situations. The winds of change can teach us to bend with them and bring about wisdom. The element of Wind is connected to our respiratory system, our breath. It is linked to our mind, consciousness, and imagination.

While working with the Wind element, through meditation and on a daily basis, I noticed that the energy from the Wind crystals felt light and undefined. My thoughts became cloudy before they became clear. There was more brain chatter during meditation... Almost like my mind was fighting against the clarity. Once my thinking cleared up, it allowed me to see the bigger picture and the reasons behind some of the habits I've formed over the years. It also felt like it lifted the fog that was covering some of my better qualities.

I learned that when working with Wind that in order to regain focus we have to pay attention to our thoughts. Our mind is powerful and there is a difference between being in control of our mind and letting our mind control us.

When we are feeling foggy, uncertain, confused, mentally unstable, or even a lack of spiritual connection, it's a good indication that our Wind element isn't well-balanced.

Here are some crystals that are considered Wind element crystals which you can experiment with, to see how they can help bring mental clarity, stimulate creativity, and regain focus, while keeping an open mind to spiritual awareness.
  • Fluorite
  • Apatite
  • Selenite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Moonstone
  • Sodalite
  • Charoite
  • Amethyst
  • Azurite
  • Labradorite
  • Sugilite

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Water Element

The Water Element

This article is the third of five covering my experience working with each elemental force towards my own personal healing as part of the Becoming Human Crystal program with Naisha Ashian. All five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Storm) are present within us as much as they are present around us.

In the course, we work with the chakras and we connect with each element, using crystals to help heal, shift, and become aware of different aspects of ourselves. The third element we worked with was the Water element.

The Water element flows through us and around us. Like still waters it can be very calming to fiery tempers. Yet, like rushing rapids it can be very stimulating and encourages us to simply go with the flow. Connecting with the flow of this energy can help us release things that no longer serve  us, beliefs, physical possessions, and especially emotions. The fluids in the body, including our blood and lymph represent the Water element. It is also linked to our emotions and intuition, but more specifically the flow of our emotions through our expression.

While working with the Water element, through meditation and on a daily basis, I noticed that the energy from the Water crystals was gentle and relaxing. It helped me release emotions from the past that no longer served me, in a non-forceful way. Although, having worked on expressing my emotions more so in the last few years has helped to make the process more peaceful.

To a person who bottles their emotions, however, or even avoids them altogether, the Water element could make them feel like they are drowning. Or, when a person can no longer hold their emotions back it would be like flood gates bursting and water rushing out, destroying whatever is in its path. This could leave one feeling overwhelmed, even when the destruction is necessary in order to move on.

I learned that when working with Water it's important to let go of control. Swimming against the current is very tiresome and doesn't get you ahead. It takes practice but does become easier with time. The key is to remain true to your emotions. Don't avoid them. Instead welcome them, feel them, analyze them, and once you're done let them flow away with the current.

When we are feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, or a lack of self-expression, it's a good indication that our Water element isn't well-balanced.

Here are some crystals that are considered Water element crystals which you can experiment with, to see how they can calm, relax, and soothe you, while encouraging you to express yourself and let go of what is holding you back:
  • Emerald
  • Fuchsite
  • Lepidolite
  • Amazonite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Aquamarine
  • Chrysocolla
  • Crhysoprase
  • Hiddenite
  • Kunzite
  • Morganite