Thursday, March 12, 2015

Earth Air Fire Water

Earth Air Fire Water

What are they? They are the four elements. Our life forces. Every day we depend on the four elements without ever having to ask for them. Yet, many of us do not take the time to appreciate and enjoy these energies and their gifts. Understanding and connecting with all four elements is important, in order to live a more balanced life.

They appear as symbols in the Carnelia company logo. The logo was originally designed by previous owner, Martine Babineau, who shares a deep connection with all four elements. Upon taking over care of the business, I felt the need for the name and logo to remain the same. It’s what felt right. I recognize more and more why these four elements are so important. Not just for the business but most importantly, for myself and to each and every one of us.

Let’s take a look at them and what roles they play in our lives:
  • We have air that we breathe in and out, but how often do we stop and take a few deep breaths and say thank you?
  • We have the earth below our feet that supports us, but how often do we take the time to dig our feet into the sand (at least in the summer) and say thank you?
  • We have our sun in the sky, a giant burning fire that keeps us warm and give us light, but when do we look up and say thank you?
  • We have water flowing all around us, cleansing us, but how many times do we taste it and say thank you?

As humans, we develop desires. This is part of our creative process. Think up or imagine something you desire, and create it through manifestation. However, if along the way we forget to appreciate ourselves, as well as the people and things that surround us, including the four elements, it can leave us feeling stuck.

How can one connect more to the four elements?

First you want to take notice. Just notice that you are breathing. Notice the warmth of the sun and how much light it brings. Notice the taste and feel of water. Notice your feet on the ground.

Then, start to develop love and appreciation for these energies. After all, they do support our life. Smile when you notice each element. Feel the emotion of love in your heart. That’s when you know you are truly connecting with each element.

Finally, realize that balance is a byproduct of this connection, but not a result. We must not expect or demand balance nor anything else we desire simply because we acknowledge the forces that support us. We need to fully appreciate each element for both the simplicity and greatness of what they are, yet expect nothing in return. When we reach this state of being, it becomes easier to manifest our deepest desires… and it’s only just the beginning.

You often hear about how life is about the journey and not about the destination. This is part of the journey. It’s something you may have to work at every day. But it shouldn’t be the kind of work that you don’t enjoy doing. Find a way to connect to all four elements that is pleasant for you and brings you joy. 

Light a candle, if you want to connect with fire. Burn some incense to connect with air. Take bath to connect with water. Go for a walk in nature to connect to earth, or even all four elements. Connecting is important but it shouldn't be forced or unpleasant.

Here is a mantra that can help you connect to the four elements. It was shared by one of the guest speakers during the 2014 Crystal Telesummit:

Sacred fire of life, I feel your passion burning inside me.
Sacred flowing Waters, thank you for clearing what is no longer needed.
Sacred Mother Earth, my roots grow deeply within your healing structure.
Sacred breath of life, I give and receive with my open heart.

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