Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Earth Element

The Earth Element

This article is the first of five covering my experience working with each elemental force towards my own personal healing as part of the Becoming Human Crystal program with Naisha Ashian. All five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Storm) are present within us as much as they are present around us.

In the course, we work with the chakras and we connect with each element, using crystals to help heal, shift, and become aware of different aspects of ourselves. The first element we worked with was the Earth element.

The Earth element is solid, stable, and very present. Earth is all around us. Without Earth, there would be no us. Its solid state also represents physicality. It gives us security and allows us to survive. Our bones and tissues represent the dense aspects of Earth element within our bodies.

When working with the Earth element, during meditation, I noticed that the energy from the Earth crystals was very slow, heavy, and even sluggish. It helped me understand why some crystals can help with grounding. If we are having stress, anxiety or always worrying, this sluggish energy can help slow the pace down in order to refocus our attention.

If you're not prepared for this large energy it can even feel overwhelming. But when you welcome this energy it can help you feel calm, centered, and bring on a sense of gratitude.

When we are in a state of fear, feeling lack, or worried about our survival it's an indication that we aren't properly connected with the Earth element.

Here are some crystals that are considered Earth element crystals that you can experiment with, to see how they can help you feel grounded, secure, and stable:
  • Pyrite
  • Smoky Quartz
  • Black Tourlamline
  • Hematite
  • Diopside
  • Galena
  • Obsidian
  • Petrafied Wood
  • Garnet
  • Bloodstone
  • Ruby

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