Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Storm Element

 The Storm Element

If you're following from the last few weeks, this article is the last of five covering my experience working with each elemental force towards my own personal healing as part of the Becoming Human Crystal program with Naisha Ashian. All five elements (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Storm) are present within us as much as they are present around us.

In the course, we worked with the chakras and we connected with each element, using crystals to help heal, shift, and become aware of different aspects of ourselves. The fifth element we worked with was the Storm element.

Storm is sum the of all four elements being activated and working together creating an event. Storm can destroy, create, and transform things in our lives. It can affect all aspects of our lives, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual... all at once! One must be ready to face things and to accept the challenges brought forth in order to heal, when connecting with Storm. It is linked to our nervous system and connective tissues and represents our body in a state of optimal health.

While working with the Storm element, through meditation and on a daily basis, I noticed that the energy from the Storm crystals felt strong. It was also enlightening and grounding at the same time.Certain things I struggled with, but don't tend to think about on a day-to-day basis were brought up for me to face. These were things that couldn't be put off any longer in order for me to move forward on my highest path.

I learned that when working with Storm that if you get lost among the storm it can make situations feel chaotic and leave you feeling dis-empowered. One can regain their power in its calm center... the eye of the storm.

When we are feeling unbalanced, blocked, limited, or even longing for change it's a good indication that our Storm element isn't well-balance.

Here are some crystals that are considered Storm element crystals which you can experiment with, to see how they can help bring balance, create change. clear blockages, and empower you.
  • Clear Quartz
  • Kyanite
  • Hypersthene
  • Seraphinite
  • Turquoise
  • Moldavite
  • Danburite
  • Fulgurite
  • Phenakite
  • Aragonite

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